1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version:
Windows Server 2016
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Your problem:
In the Matching Rules of Dial Plans, I'm using $addr to verify that a user who's attempting to make an outbound calls is the correct user (calling from the correct public IP address).
Now I need to set up a Matching Rule that will allow for calls coming from 2 different IP addresses for one user.
For example, this particular user may be making calls from xxx.xxx.101.xxx or may be making calls from xxx.xxx.102.xxx.
I could use two dial plan entries, but doing it in one seems to make more sense.
I tried this: ^xxx.xxx.[101-102].xxx$, but through up a syntax error.
I tried this: ^xxx\.xxx\.[101-102\.xxx$, but this also through up a syntax error. This second line is very close to how the Brekeke SIP Server documentation shows doing something like this, but it must not be correct.
Can someone help me?
John Rayfield, Jr.
Multiple IP addresses in $addr Line
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
> $addr = ^xxx.xxx.101.xxx$|^xxx.xxx.102.xxx$
It works.
Also it might be written as
$addr = ^xxx.xxx.10[12].xxx$
If you allow the range between xxx.xxx.101.xxx and xxx.xxx.102.xxx, you can write
$addrRange( "xxx.xxx.101.xxx", "xxx.xxx.102.xxx" ) = ^true
It works.
Also it might be written as
$addr = ^xxx.xxx.10[12].xxx$
If you allow the range between xxx.xxx.101.xxx and xxx.xxx.102.xxx, you can write
$addrRange( "xxx.xxx.101.xxx", "xxx.xxx.102.xxx" ) = ^true
> $addr = ^xxx\.xxx\.101\.xxx$|^xxx\.xxx\.102\.xxx$
> In this case, is it necessary to use the "\"? I've tried both with and without and it seems to work either way.
\ is an Escape character in Regular expression.
In your case, you don't have to use the "\" .
Refer to the Regular expression reference for more details.
> In this case, is it necessary to use the "\"? I've tried both with and without and it seems to work either way.
\ is an Escape character in Regular expression.
In your case, you don't have to use the "\" .
Refer to the Regular expression reference for more details.