1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:3.9 Adv Ver
2. Java version:1.8
3. OS type and the version:CENTOS 7
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:NA
5. Your problem: We are planning to install BSS in AWS cloud. We may have 20-30 dial plans. BSS will be used for
a) 302 Redirect Server: We will be using the alias and webget function. We may have 50cps.
b)B2B Proxy: We will be using BSS as B2B proxy for SIP Signalling only. We may have 15-20 cps with 400-600 concurrent calls with signalling only (no rtp).
What kind of AWS instance is recommended for this kind of work load?
Instance Type: A1/M4/T2/T3?
Storage Type:??
Any help would be much appreciated.
Recommended AWS Instance for BSS
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team