session plugin outbound not working

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session plugin outbound not working

Post by jdavis017 »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
Brekeke SIP Server, Version, Advanced

2. Java version:
Redhat JDK 11

3. OS type and the version:
Windows Server 2019

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Standard IP Phones public IP

5. Your problem:
I cannot get the session plugin working on outbound calls from PBX. Inbound calls to the PBX from the station phone work fine and call the plugin entry points for eventSessionStart, eventTalkStart and eventSessionEnd.

Here is the set up.

Phones are located anywhere: house, business, etc. each registers directly through the internet, then firewall, then to the PBX. NOT through BSS. This works without a hitch for registering.

Inbound calls originate from any phone, then to carrier, through Internet, firewall, BSS to PBX behind the firewall and rings registered customer's phone. Plugin works without a problem using this rule.

[Matching Pattern]
$request = ^INVITE

[Deploy Pattern]
$session = com.myplugin

Session plugin works great and all entry points are called for inbound.

However, when a phone dials a number for outbound, the plugin is never called. I am not sure how to hook into the outbound session and register the plugin for the call. the scenario is registered phone dials number, outbound route, BSS, out from firewall, Internet, carrier, then rings the dialed number. This works great but no session plugin calls.

I can see the session when I view Active Sessions in the BSS web interface.

Any help would be appreciated. Sorry about being long-winded.
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Post by james »

Do you have any other DialPlan rules which match an outbound call prior to the rule which executes the session plugin?

During a call, let you check the [DialPlan-Rules] filed in [Session Details] page from [Active Sessions].
If the field indicates another rule name, the plugin was not called.
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Post by jdavis017 »

The Dial Plan shown is the Priority 1, the first. Also, I did not add the $continue when I first posted. The full deploy is actually:

[Matching Pattern]
$request = ^INVITE

[Deploy Pattern]
$session = com.myplugin
$continue = true

Later, there is a rule that completes the outbound call with some checks to verify the caller and destination are valid. I can trace through the logs and see the rule that makes the outbound call.

I do not see a [DialPlan-Rules] section in [Active Sessions]. A ^REFER must be happening since the only connection is from the PBX and the carrier. I do not seem to be able to hook in to the ^REFER.

The original ^INVITE To address is the BSS but subsequently gets dropped after the ^REFER occurs.

I was wondering if I can set the BSS to always call the plugin for all sessions and not have to place a $session = com.myplugin for a specific $request.
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Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:55 am
Location: Dallas, Texas

Post by jdavis017 »

Thanks for your help.

I resolved this by placing another $session = com.myplugin after the redirect on the outbound deploy pattern. Not sure why I had to do 2 of them but the additional hook worked for the outbound leg just fine.

Mark as resolved.
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