Does Brekeke support elliptic curve certificates

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Does Brekeke support elliptic curve certificates

Post by deeprock2 »

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Ubuntu 18.04
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Does Brekeke support Elliptic Curve certificates? I am able to generate RSA certificates with OpenSSL and it successfully worked with Brekeke Server. But I couldn't load Elliptic Curve certificates. The only error message I get was :

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invalid key format
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Post by Harold »

A key file format must be RSA format.
Let you convert your key file to RSA formatted file.

For example:
openssl rsa -in current.key -out rsa.key

Also, make sure you upload the key file at [Private Key File] field.
and upload the certificate file at [Certificate File] field.
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Post by deeprock2 »

Because my private key is in elliptic curve private format, your suggestion did not work. Let me explain what I did :

First I created a private key for CA:

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openssl ecparam -out ca.key -name secp521r1 -genkey -rand /dev/urandom 
Then CA signed its certificate(self-signed CA certificte)

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openssl req -x509 -new -key ca.key -out ca.pem -outform PEM -days 3650 -sha384
Generate a key for Brekeke SIP server

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openssl ecparam -out sip.key -name secp521r1 -genkey -rand /dev/urandom 
Generate sign request for SIP

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openssl req -new -nodes -key sip.key -outform PEM -out sip.req -sha384
Sign the request using CA

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openssl ca -keyfile ca.key -cert ca.pem -in sip.req -out sip.pem -outdir . -days 3650
At this step, I have sip.key and sip.pem for Brekeke SIP server. But Brekeke does not like private key and gives the error message that I mentioned in my first message.(Invalid key format)

Does that mean Brekeke supports only RSA certificates? I want to use ECDSA, not RSA, therefore my key should be EC key.

On the other hand, The output of the "ciphersuitesinfo" command contains my desired ciphersuit which is TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256.

Harold wrote:A key file format must be RSA format.
Let you convert your key file to RSA formatted file.

For example:
openssl rsa -in current.key -out rsa.key

Also, make sure you upload the key file at [Private Key File] field.
and upload the certificate file at [Certificate File] field.
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Post by Mike »

Can you make a PKCS#12 file or JKS from these key and certificate file?

And then select such a file type at [File Type] setting.
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Post by Mike »

For converting sip.key and sip.pem to sip.p12, try the command like this.

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openssl pkcs12 -export -out sip.p12 -inkey sip.key -in sip.pem -certfile ca.pem
Then select "PKCS#12" at [File Type] setting in the SIP Server, and upload sip.p12 file.

If you execute the "certinfo" command at the SIP Server, you can confirm that Key Algorithm is EC.
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Post by deeprock2 »

Thank you, that is worked.

Mike wrote:For converting sip.key and sip.pem to sip.p12, try the command like this.

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openssl pkcs12 -export -out sip.p12 -inkey sip.key -in sip.pem -certfile ca.pem
Then select "PKCS#12" at [File Type] setting in the SIP Server, and upload sip.p12 file.

If you execute the "certinfo" command at the SIP Server, you can confirm that Key Algorithm is EC.
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Post by Mike »

Glad to know it!
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