1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
2. Java version:1.80_181
3. OS type and the version: RHEL6.10
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Your problem: Need a suggestion.
I have a requirement where I need to do DNIS/number translation.
Leg-A comes with called party as 12345 and I have to so do a database dip and find the translated number and send the number 56789 on Leg-B side.
I understand that I can achieve this via 3 methods:
A. using the $alias function of BSS.
B. using the $db.query method. (by using JDBC for Informix)
C. using $webget method.
I would like to know if there is any other possible way, if it exists.
I may have possibly 400K-500K records for translation and CPS may be ~100.
Records may get updated once or twice a day.
Given the requirements, what is best option I should choose from the available options?
In addition to the translation, I need to maintain and pass on all the SIP headers to leg-B as it come on leg-A except the SIP-CallID and translated number.
Best Way to Do the Number Translation
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Other options are...
D. using own plugin written by Java.
E. using SIP Redirect Server
Do you host a database on your premises?
If so, easiest way will be method B. "using the $db.query method".
However, $db.query doesn't cache a result, so the method D "using own plugin" will be a most flexible solution.
For the method A, you need to enter records by following Alias Database structure.
For the method C, HTTP transactions are required aside from DB query.
For the method E, SIP transactions are required aside from DB query.
D. using own plugin written by Java.
E. using SIP Redirect Server
Do you host a database on your premises?
If so, easiest way will be method B. "using the $db.query method".
However, $db.query doesn't cache a result, so the method D "using own plugin" will be a most flexible solution.
For the method A, you need to enter records by following Alias Database structure.
For the method C, HTTP transactions are required aside from DB query.
For the method E, SIP transactions are required aside from DB query.