BSS Redundancy Questions

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BSS Redundancy Questions

Post by tlsoren »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Brekeke SIP Server, Version, Advanced

2. Java version: 1.8.0_161

3. OS type and the version: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: Responder 5 Direct Connect Integration to CUCM. 2 BSSs for Redundancy.

5. Your problem:

Hello. I am trying a 2 BSS redundancy setup for the first time, and I have a few questions:

1. When setting the Heartbeat on the Secondary server, I understand the Action needed in the Brekeke Admin, setting the VIP to the Interface name.
My question is, is there anything else that needs to be done at the OS level for this to occur, or does this rule actually add the VIP to the OS on the secondary server?

2. This integration uses SIP trunking, from CUCM SIP trunk pointed to VIP set at the OS level on the Primary BSS. Question: Is it possible to monitor connection to CUCM, and have an action to failover if the CUCM is showing offline?

3. The CUCM rep is telling me that he is setting up one SIP trunk from the CUCM node, pointed to the VIP. Is this typical, or would you typically see 2 SIP trunks setup? Both pointing to the VIP, but originating from distinct CUCMs. I would think that 2 would be better, if we can monitor connection to CUCM, to failover to distinct new CUCM IP if the original is showing offline.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:55 am

Post by Haddas »

>or does this rule actually add the VIP to the OS on the secondary server?

Yes. It supports both Windows and Linux.
I recommend that you run Brekeke SIP Server with Administrator privilege.

>Is it possible to monitor connection to CUCM, and have an action to failover if the CUCM is showing offline?

Are there multiple CUCM IP addresses and you want to failover between them? If so DialPlan's failover function will be the solution.
Check the wiki topic below. ... -Dial-Plan

If you want to monitor CUCM whether it is running or not, and want to receive an alert if it is down, use the Heartbeat function of Brekeke SIP Server. ... -heartbeat

> Is this typical, or would you typically see 2 SIP trunks setup?

Both are possible.
The better and simpler way is having 2 SIP trunks at CUCM instead of using VIP. Each SIP trunk should point each physical IP address of Brekeke SIP Server.

VIP's solution has a little time-lag in the switching from Primary to Secondary.
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