1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
SIP Server
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version:
Windows 7 Pro SP1
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Not Sure
5. Your problem:
I'm connecting my Brekeke SIP Server (BSS) into a VoIP service providers system. They use IP address authentication and they use multiple IP addresses for multiple failover servers.
Everything works fine, except that I would like to limit the IP addresses in the Matching section of the Dial Plan, to just those of the service provider's servers. This would provide a bit more security.
I can use $addr for an IP address, but I need to have multiple ones for each possible incoming DID number. Is there a way to do something like this:
$addr =
$addr =
$addr =
where, etc, are the service providers public IP addresses?
John Rayfield, Jr.
Matching Multiple IP Addresses on Incoming Calls
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
"or" is '|' in Regular expression (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression)
so it will be
If these IP addresses are in the same range of IP address, you can use $addrRange
http://wiki.brekeke.com/wiki/DialPlan-M ... -addrRange
If these IP addresses have the same IP address prefix (eg: in the same subnet), you can use $addrPrefix
http://wiki.brekeke.com/wiki/DialPlan-M ... addrPrefix
so it will be
Code: Select all
$addr = ^$|^$|^$
If these IP addresses are in the same range of IP address, you can use $addrRange
http://wiki.brekeke.com/wiki/DialPlan-M ... -addrRange
If these IP addresses have the same IP address prefix (eg: in the same subnet), you can use $addrPrefix
http://wiki.brekeke.com/wiki/DialPlan-M ... addrPrefix