Audio and Video Never Got Through

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Audio and Video Never Got Through

Post by Russell »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: SIP Server (

2. Java version: 1.7

3. OS type and the version: Linux

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:

X-Lite, Zoiper (iOS SIP Phone), ABTO (iOS SIP Phone)

5. Your problem:

The phone calls could be built but the video and audio never got through. And if we build the video calls the phone connections were cut off in seconds or immediately. Audio calls are ok but voice never got through.

So far, we could only do the following:

1. Register UA with existing account. (Didn't try to have the new users opening accounts from the app yet).
2. Making phone call connections. But that's as far as we could get, voice and video never got through.

So far, we had tried several phone calls between different types of apps/hardwares such as phone calls between X-Lite and apps or apps and hardware SIP phones.

Are there any settings we need to be aware of?

The necessary ports on the firewall are opened already:

TCP: 80, 8080, 5060, 9001, etc.
UDP: 5060, 10000 - 29999, etc.

My configurations are:


RTP relay : auto
RTP relay (UA on this machine) : auto
RTP relay even with ICE : no
all of them are defaults

B2B-UA mode : off
Check Maximum UDP packet size: off
TLS-handling : off
Thru Registration: off
TCP-handling : on
TLS-handling : off (asked for certificate, that I don't have, if I set it on)

Most of them are default values.
Posts: 215
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:20 pm

Post by ambrosio »

Try [RTP relay] = on
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