LAN Dial Plan

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LAN Dial Plan

Post by Rstras »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Brekeke SIP Server

2. Java version:

3. OS type and the version: Win 7

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: Grandstream GXV3040

5. Your problem:
I am having touble getting one phone to call another. Phones are located on a LAN in the same subnet.
-Phones have registered with the SIP server
-when I pick up one phone and dial the others user ID nothing

I have tried a variety of different dial plans but non seem to work here are a few (I show no response on the phone)

Matching Patterns:
$request = ^INVITE
To = sip:(.+)@
Deploy Patterns:
To = sip:%1@

Matching Patterns:
$request = ^INVITE
To = sip:user
Deploy Patterns:
To = sip:user

The system is relatively simple but I just can not seem to get it to work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Post by Ericcc »

Can you see phone numbers in the [Registered Clients] page?

You don't have to use any DialPlan rules if a callee phone is registered in the SIP Server.
Let you disable or remove all DialPlan rules.

Deploy Patterns
To = sip:user

This is wrong definition.. It should be
To = sip:user@
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Post by KentC »

Try the following dial plan, with more detail ID and should work without issue: [This will use any ANI dialed]

Matching Patterns
$request = ^INVITE
From = sip:(.*)@
To = sip:(.*)@

Deploy Patterns:
From = sip:%1@LAN.SERVER.IP
To = sip:%2@LAN.SERVER.IP

Add each user in User Authentication. Then load those same settings into sip phone. Then use Manual Registration under Registered Clients

The Brekeke Sip Server will message 407 or 401 if it doesn't register the phone account manually when you use this method. Then look on Registered Clients tab and you should see your phone. Make sure each phone you want on your LAN is registered DIRECTLY to Brekeke Sip Server. Then just call the number you used for username without the ip on phone. That should work.

You can get the right idea behind this from Brekeke Wiki example: ... Quickstart

Kent C.
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