1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:SIP Server
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version: Windows 2008 R2 64 bit
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: (similar to PATTERN
Xlite SIP Phone (public IP) ----->(internet)-->Amazon NAT router-----> RADVision Proxy (internal)----->Brekeke SIP (internal)---->xLite SIP phone (internal registered with Brekeke SIP)
The three servers also have external IPs via Amazon EC and firewall is open.
xlite SIP Phone (in internet with public IP - No, NAT) makes a call to a RADVISION SIP Proxy server (which is in internal network of Amazon Cloud with public IP also : only NIC. Amazon router does the NAT)
RADVISION SIP Proxy routes the call to Brekeke SIP server (this server is also in Amazon cloud with internal and public IP NATd by Amazon router) and the call gets connected to the internal xLite SIP phone registered to Brekeke SIP server (this server also has private and public IP like RADVISION SIP Proxy but only one NIC).
5. Your problem:
Since the internal IP of xLite phone registered to Brekeke and/or the internal IP of Brekeke server is sent to the external xlite phone, the external xlite is not getting the audio from internal xlite.
NAT: One way Audio and disconnect after 10 minutes
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
setup is in the following link.
did you set port forwarding at router at Brekeke side and external IP at Brekeke SIP Server?