Call Recording system

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Call Recording system

Post by ezzadin »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: PBX

2. Java version: 1.7.0_45

3. OS type and the version: Windows 2008 R2

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:

5. Your problem:

I'd like to start by saying that I'm not a programmer :)

Has anyone used Brekeke PBX to design a recording system or automated verification system?

Here is the scenario:

A customer calls a number, system then prompt the customer to enter account number and pin. Once it is verified, he will record a message and if he is satisfied with the message, he save it. Upon saving the message, system will generate a 6 digits number. The same person or someone else can then call and listen to the recorded message.

In this case I'm guessing that extension number can be used as an account number and maybe voicemail pin as pin to validate the caller. This also allows me to give the user online access to listen to the recordings. The part that I'm not sure is, how do I generate the 6 digits number and how do I playback the recording.

What direction should I take to have this implemented? Would I need someone with Javascript knowledge or a Java programmer? Should I use IVR Maker or Script Extension?

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Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:08 pm

Post by hope »

maybe create a pbx user for recording message only
and anyone can call into this user voicemail to get message
by changing the voicemail pin by person

Or you need create ivr script with the methods in the ivr document
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