2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version: Linux
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: X-Lite 4.0
5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html :
I have my own SIP server and I am using Brekeke as SIP Proxy and also use it to handle NAT Traversal issue since my clients register from behind external networks and they are behind NAT (the clients are in different networks..).
6. Your problem:
I have 2 phones, X-Lite 4.0 and SJ phone.
When X-Lite register against the Brekeke (using Upper registration) X-Lite send rinstance in the Contact header.
When SJ register the is no rinstance.
When X-Lite initiate a call to SJ phone through Brekeke (which is acting as SIP Proxy and NAT Traversal) the call is established and all is OK,
But, when SJ phone initiate the call to X-Lite, the SIP sever send the ACK to the Brekeke in order to send it back to the X-Lite but due to the fact that there is rinstance in the request-uri the ACK is not send to X-Lite and the call eventually fails.
In case the client is SJ Phone which does not register with rinstance all is OK.
Any idea how can I remove the rinstance from the request-uri in the brekeke or tell brekeke to send out the ACK ?
BTW, in X-lite 3 there was ability to disable rinstance but not anymore
