200OK sometimes not accepted

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200OK sometimes not accepted

Post by CastB »

1. Brekeke Product Name and version: Sip Server

2. Java version: 1.6.0_17

3. OS type and the version: 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5.centos.plus

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: several tested

5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html : Sip server in the global network, both UA in the same LAN behind NAT

6. Your problem: 200OK sometimes not accepted by sip server

This problem seems to occur " at random": caller is calling callee, phone is ringing at callee, callee picks up the phone but the caller get no message back.

I set wireshark traces on both caller and callee, network trace on the servers ethernet card and logging on bkk and found out that:
- caller is sending invite, bkk receives it and sends it to callee
- 100 trying messages are sent and received
- callee sends a 180 ringing to bkk
- bkk sends 180 ringing to caller
So far so good, i can trace all the above messages are in the wireshark traces, the servers ethernet card log and the bkk logfiles.

Next the callee send 200 OK messages (i can see it in callee wireshark trace) Then it appears in the servers ethernet log but it does not show up in the bkk logfile.

So it seems bkk is ignoring the 200 OK, why?

Further information
- until now it does only happen when both ua are on same lan
- it does happen most times but not allways. I compared the 200OK messages with a succesful situation, they are identical

Any suggestions what might cause this?
Posts: 97
Joined: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:46 pm

Post by redroof »

what kind of SIP client are you using??
if you use soft phone like a X-lite as a callee, does the same problem happen?

> - until now it does only happen when both ua are on same lan

It seems your network issue...
Disable firewall and make the environment simple.
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