Programmatically "Apply Rules" in Dial Plan?

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Programmatically "Apply Rules" in Dial Plan?

Post by kelinger »

1. Brekeke Product Name and version:
Brekeke SIP Server
Version Advanced

2. Java version:
Version 6, Update 23

3. OS type and the version:
Windows XPsp3

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Siemens enterprise communications server

5. Select your network pattern from ... terns.html :
Pattern 8 (SIP Server inside network utilizing SIP trunking via Internet)

6. Your problem:

Everything is working as designed. However, we have about 800 rules setup and they point to one, two, or both master switches as end-points. Typically, these do not change but if we take a system down for maintenance, etc., we want to redirect or some or all inbound calls to the other switch.

We've developed an interface for select users to change the rules on a bulk basis (eg. change the dial plan for the 50 DNISs related to project X to go from switch 1 to switch 2). This program then generates a new "dialplan.tbl" file and uploads it to C:\program files\Brekeke\proxy\webapps\proxy\WEB-INF\work\sv\etc\ (or the user can use the Brekeke web interface and import the rules).

In either case, however, the rules are not truly active until the user goes to the Brekeke web interface, dialplan, and hits the "Apply Rules" button.

The question is this: is there a way that, after we copy the rules to C:\program files\Brekeke\proxy\webapps\proxy\WEB-INF\work\sv\etc\, we can trigger the "Apply Rules" function without having users go into your interface to do so? In other words, we'd like to have OUR interface that generates the rules themselves actually apply them in one step versus requiring access through YOUR interface?

As always, thanks for a great product and all the user-to-user support!

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Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2007 11:54 am
Location: Florida

Post by lakeview »

go to SIP Server's [Configuration] > [Advanced] page.
add "sipadmin.cmd.hosts.allow" with your PC's IP address.

For example:
(It can accept Regular expression.)

Push the [Save] button.


For example ... param=rule
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