1. Brekeke Product Name and version:
2. Java version: 5
3. OS type and the version: Windows 2003
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: Linksys PAP
5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html : Pattern 9
6. Your problem: We are using BSS with licensed Radius Cat. At First 120 telephones register and authentication and accounting very well with RadiusCat. But, little by little some telephones unregister without cause and I have to restart Linksys PAP2 to register again. RadiusCat is installed in other server on the same LAN than BSS, UAs are in Internet.
We are using plug-in auth from Brekeke.
If not authenticate with RadiusCat BSS register very well.
Problems BSS with RadiusCat
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Which edition of Brekeke SIP Server are you using?taitan wrote:Which edition of Brekeke SIP Server are you using?
We are using BSS Estandar edition v.
Do you have any error message at RadiusCat ?
We are using BSS Estandar edition v.
Do you have any error message at RadiusCat ?[/
No, any error messege.
I ran wireshark on bss I see that many request have not sent to RadiusCat.