ChatClient with Brekeke

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ChatClient with Brekeke

Post by honourbholu »

1. Brekeke Product Name and version: Brekeke SIP Server

2. Java version: jdk1.5.0

3. OS type and the version: Windows XP Professional

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: X-lite, ChatClient(my app)

5. Select your network pattern from ... terns.html :

6. Your problem: I am new to SIP Programming, I am using jain sip doc. I want to be able to build chat apps that communicate with sip before proceeding to void app....My first program is to build a small chat application that communicates over SIP protocol. I've been able to do that using my localhost IP address...

I created a chat client and launch 2 instances of it..they communicate easily....

I want to connect d chat client apps to Brekeke sip server and register it before forwarding it to the recipient. This will enable me write create an application that lists online users.

How do i do this, do i need to write a server side program and launch it on Brekeke server? what program wuld it be?

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Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:56 pm

Post by james »

Hi honourbholu,
You don't have to write any server side program.
I think your current goal is to register your client to Brekeke SIP Server. so you need to implement a registration feature at the client. Your client should send a REGISTER packet to Brekeke SIP Server.
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