1. Brekeke Sip Server
2. Java version:
3. Window Server 2003
Steps I did:
1. Created a new user from : User Authentication > New User
2. I can login and call client that I define at : Registered Clients > New Client
3. I am redirecting to a Third party SIP Server: Configuration > SIP > Register Server. (Upper Registration)
I do NOT want to pass username and password of the SIP user to the Third Party SIP Server. I want to authenticate the SIP user by the username and the password I defined in the Brekeke SIP Server but I want to change and send to Third Party SIP Server Password and username to authenticate the Third Party SIP Server.
Please tell me how can I do this?
Use Case:
I want to have separate SIP accounts for users that I could define. I want redirect the SIP users to a Third Party SIP Server using a different username and password. More likely a small reseller concept.
Appreciate if you can help me.
Thank you
Athenticate with a different username and a password
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