IP basd authentication for IP address ranges/subnets

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IP basd authentication for IP address ranges/subnets

Post by Ferenc »

Dear support could you tell me how to differentiate SIP messages based on source subnet ranges?

For example if I would like to deactivate the digest authentication from a certain subnet on INVITE messages (let's say from, but would like to keep the digest authentication method for SIP requests coming from any other networks then what should I do?

I know how to set it up for a single IP address, but what can I do if I have to deal with a full /24 network?

Sample Matching/Deploy patterns we are using on single IP addresses:

Matching pattern:
incoming $request=^INVITE

Deploy pattern:

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Location: Tannersville, Pennsylvania

Post by voipwell.com »

Just fill in the prefix.


This will pick up the whole subnet.
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