rtp issue with pbx 2.0

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rtp issue with pbx 2.0

Post by mexsip »

. Brekeke Product Name and version: pbx

2. Java version:

3. OS type and the version: windows 2003

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: na

5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html : 9 + 5

6. Your problem:
There are a lot of places to configure RTP: ARS, user settings, via dialplan, pbx system settings.
but the only place where is has any effect to change it is in the user configuration.

I made some tests:
calling to ITSP on the Internet using an ARS.
1) user config RTP relay: default
2) ARS -out: RTP-relay: default
result: the sip session page shows RTP relay = OFF, but making a trace on the pbx/sip server showed that the rtp traffic was going through the server. succesfull call.

1) user config RTP relay: default
2) ARS -out: RTP-relay off
3) pbx system setting: RTP relay: on
4) extra dialplan to force rtp=off

result: the sip session page shows RTP relay = OFF, but making a trace on the pbx/sip server showed that the rtp traffic was going through the server. succesfull call.
RTP shouldn't go via the pbx/sip server.

1) user config RTP relay: off
2) ARS -out: RTP-relay off
3) extra dialplan to force rtp=off

result: no RTP traffic via the pbx/sip server. succesfull call.

I would expect that the RTP settings in the ARS would override the RTP settings in the user configuration.

Is this a bug or is this as it should work?

thanks in advanced,

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Joined: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:50 pm

Post by job »

Hello mexsip
1) user config RTP relay: default
2) ARS -out: RTP-relay off
3) pbx system setting: RTP relay: on
4) extra dialplan to force rtp=off
How about ARS-in ?
If you set RTP-relay=off at ARS-in, rtp won't go through PBX.
If you don't have ARS-in and User Setting for caller,
PBX options setting will be applied.
Only when rtp-relay=off for both of in and out,
rtp packets don't go through PBX.

Isn't that cool?

Posts: 92
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:50 pm
Location: Mexico

Post by mexsip »

Hello Job,

thanks for your reply.

I created an empty ARS-in with only RTF-relay = off.
rtp user setting: default
ARS-out: RTP-relay off

result: no rtp via pbx server, perfect, as it should be.
I guess this should be something for the manual.

thanks a lot.

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