2. Java version: see below
3. OS type and the version: see below
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: unknown, see below
5. Your problem:
We are running two SIP servers with Advanced License in different data centers on different Brekeke versions. Both have the same bug.
Brekeke is a critical element in our infrastructure. Therefore, we hope you can pinpoint and fix this bug soon. Please let me know if you require further information.
Bug "No CRLF found in the buffer"
Once a month, the Brekeke Java process reaches 50% CPU usage (i.e. full usage of one CPU core on our 2-core VM). This slows down the Windows server. Sometimes up to a point where connecting via RDP is not possible anymore.
Logs "sv.TIMESTAMP.log" show many entries in sub-millisecond intervals of
Code: Select all
tcp-con.654: Exception: 09/23/22 00:00:00.000
java.lang.Exception: No CRLF found in the buffer: idx=0/2000: (depth=5)
com.brekeke.common.buffer.ByteBufferReader.readLine (null:-1)
com.brekeke.common.buffer.ByteBufferReader.readLine (null:-1)
com.brekeke.net.sip.SIPpacket.init (null:-1)
com.brekeke.net.sip.SIPpacket.<init> (null:-1)
com.brekeke.net.sip.sv.transport.tcp.SIPtcpConnection.run (null:-1)
Example log: "sv.20220923 - truncated.log": https://pastebin.com/x8GKbMKw
Restarting Brekeke via "Restart/Shutdown" in Web interface solves the problem.
Afterwards the CPU usage is normal again.
System details
Brekeke versions affected:
- OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM v11.0.13, Apache Tomcat v9.0.44 on Windows Server
-, Eclipse Adoptium OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Version, Apache Tomcat/9.0.58 on "Windows Server 2019 data center"
- No longer used by us:, Oracle Java 8 on "Windows Server 2019 data center"
Best regards
Tobias Schubert