Manipulating SIP Fields in an INVITE

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Manipulating SIP Fields in an INVITE

Post by JRayfield »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
SIP Server - Latest Version

2. Java version:
Latest compatible with BSS

3. OS type and the version:
Windows 10 Pro

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
3CX and Asterisk/FreePBX

5. Your problem:

I'm wondering if BSS can be used to 'manipulate' SIP field information between two PBXs that are connected to BSS.

Specifically, would it be possible to take an INVITE from PBX1, take the 'user part' of a Remote-Party-ID field and 're-write' a new From: field with this 'user part' information, and then pass the 'modified' INVITE on to PBX2?

For example:

From: field from PBX1 -

From: "14178874663"<sip:10011@>;tag=c80c9b7d

Remote-Party-ID field from PBX1 -

Remote-Party-ID: "14178874663"<>;party=calling

New From: field, inserted into INVITE that is passed on to PBX2:

From: "14178874663"<sip:4178874663@>;tag=c80c9b7d

Is this possible with BSS?
John Rayfield, Jr. CETma
Rayfield Communications
Springfield, MO
Posts: 223
Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:03 pm

Post by Tata »

Yes, you can replace these SIP headers with DialPlan.

For example..
[Matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$getSIPuser(Remote-Party-ID) = 1(.+)

[Deploy Patterns]
From = sip:%1@
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