1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: advanced
2. Java version: Version 8 (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
3. OS type and the version: Windows Server
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Your problem: Is there a way to "call" execute a php file from a web server in the deploy pattern?
Call a PHP file
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
How about $webget?
It is a Matching Patterns's method but can be called from Deploy Pattern with %{$webget(HTTP-URI)}
For example, %{$webget("http://host.com/script.php")}
It is a Matching Patterns's method but can be called from Deploy Pattern with %{$webget(HTTP-URI)}
For example, %{$webget("http://host.com/script.php")}
Thanks for the reply. Would the dial plan look like this? Not sure how to configure the dial plan if a call is received by a specific ext, call the php file
Matching Pattern
To = sip:(111)@
Deploy Pattern
To = %{$webget("http://host.com/script.php")}
Matching Pattern
To = sip:(111)@
Deploy Pattern
To = %{$webget("http://host.com/script.php")}
Put $webget in Matching Patterns. It will be called only if To-URI indicates sip:111@.
Matching Patterns
$request = ^Invite
To = sip:(111)@
$webget("http://host.com/script.php") = (.*)
Do you need to use a result of PHP?
Matching Patterns
$request = ^Invite
To = sip:(111)@
$webget("http://host.com/script.php") = (.*)
Do you need to use a result of PHP?