Implementation of STIR/SHAKEN

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Implementation of STIR/SHAKEN

Post by JRayfield »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:

2. Java version:

3. OS type and the version:

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:

5. Your problem:

1. Brekeke SIP Server
2. Java 1.8.0_231
3. Windows Server 2016
4. Various, including 3CX

5. I received an email from Brekeke regarding the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN in Brekeke SIP Server. But I can't find any other reference to this. Is there any documentation available on how to set up STIR/SHAKEN in BSS?
John Rayfield, Jr. CETma
Rayfield Communications
Springfield, MO
Posts: 733
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Post by Mike »

Have you contacted Brekeke's support team?
They have the instruction and the product version which supports STIR/SHAKEN.
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