Better Way To Create a Dial Plan

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Better Way To Create a Dial Plan

Post by skb007 »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:2.9 Adv Ver

2. Java version:1.8

3. OS type and the version:RHEL7

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:NA

5. Your problem:

I have around 150-160 IP's to match for a singe dial plan.All the IP's are individual IP's which belong to different subnets, does not fall into any range. Is there any trick to use or is there any better way than the following:

Matching Patterns:
$request = ^INVITE
$addr = ^1\.2\.3\.4$|^1\.2\.4\.5$|^4\.3\.2\.1$|^5\.6\.7\.8$|^6\.7\.8\.9$
To = sip:(.+)@
From = sip:(.+)@

Deploy Patterns:
To = %1@
From = %2@
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Post by Niloc »

Your rule will be like this if you use Alias
[Matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$alias.lookup($addr) = .+
To = sip:(.+)@
From = sip:(.+)@

[Deploy Patterns]
To = %1@
From = %2@

At [Aliases] setting, add IP address as each record, or import a CSV file which lists IP addresses.
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:22 pm
Location: USA

Post by skb007 »


Appreciate your response, it is really helpful.
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