Changing "contact" info for sent calls

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Changing "contact" info for sent calls

Post by 03zx6r »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Rauland SIP Server

2. Java version: Version 8 Update 231

3. OS type and the version: Windows Server 2012 R2

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: Avaya CM / Avaya SM, Equinox App on wireless phones.

5. Your problem: I would like to know if it is even possible to alter the dialplan so the "Contact" portion of the call would have the dialstring from the "From" field in "deployed patterns".

I have a picture of what I am talking about, if it makes it easier to understand. Link is below. Need to know if this is even possible before giving customer an answer. ... 8ZeNE/view
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Post by Laurie »

Put the Contact= line with the same definition of the From= line in Deploy Patterns.

Contact = sip:181013%2%3%4@10.97.x.x
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Post by skb007 »


I see that you went through the pain to taking a screenshot and uploading it on Google drive. If you are using Wireshark, right click on any sip message in the top pane and choose follow-->UDP stream. You will see the SIP messages in the raw text format. From there onward, it is easy to copy paste and change the info if required.

My 2 cents :lol: .
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