1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
Brekeke Sip Server
Latest Release Education Lisc
2. Java version:
openjdk version "1.8.0_181"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-8u181-b13-0ubuntu0.16.04.1-b13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)
3. OS type and the version:
Ubuntu Linux 16.04
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Avaya IP Office IP500 V2 running build 983
Rauland Telecenter Campus Edition
5. Your problem:
We are attempting to pass through SIP calls from the Avaya direct to the Rauland system. After speaking with Rauland tech, we were informed that an intermediary like Brekeke was needed. Customer installed the version above and has a SIP trunk pointed to the brekeke with a dial plan that should pass off the call to the to the Rauland Telecenter Server.
I have a soft phone registered on the brekeke and attempt to dial out to an extension on the rauland side and get a SIP error of a time out. Dialing an Avaya extension works fine. Dialing from the Rauland side to my soft phone works, and also to the Avaya.
The rauland side is a pretty dumbed down SIP feature. It's an open invite, nonregister and defaults to 5060 on all connections in and out via TCP.
I suspect that perhaps this is an issue with the Rauland not playing nice with the UDP but for the life of me I cannot sort it out.
I have deployed this similar setup (external phones to telecenter), not with brekeke but just with a straight cisco style sip trunk.
Brekeke Integration with Rauland Telecenter
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
If you are using Brekeke SIP Server Advanced Edition, try the following DialPlan rule.
[Matching Pattern]
$request = ^INVITE
$registered = false
To = sip:(.+)@
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@<RAULAND-IP>
$transport = UDP
$session = failover sip:%2@<AVAYA-IP>/TCP
If it is Standard Edition, try following two DialPlan rules.
Please note these rules don't handle calls sent from a SIP softphone.
Rule-1: Rauland to Avaya
[Matching Pattern]
$request = ^INVITE
$registered = false
To = sip:(.+)@
$addr = <RAULAND-IP>
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@<AVAYA-IP>
$transport = TCP
Rule-2: Avaya to Rauland
[Matching Pattern]
$request = ^INVITE
$registered = false
To = sip:(.+)@
$addr = <AVAYA-IP>
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@<RAULAND-IP>
$transport = UDP
Replace <AVAYA-IP> and <RAULAND-IP> with their actual IP addresses.
[Matching Pattern]
$request = ^INVITE
$registered = false
To = sip:(.+)@
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@<RAULAND-IP>
$transport = UDP
$session = failover sip:%2@<AVAYA-IP>/TCP
If it is Standard Edition, try following two DialPlan rules.
Please note these rules don't handle calls sent from a SIP softphone.
Rule-1: Rauland to Avaya
[Matching Pattern]
$request = ^INVITE
$registered = false
To = sip:(.+)@
$addr = <RAULAND-IP>
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@<AVAYA-IP>
$transport = TCP
Rule-2: Avaya to Rauland
[Matching Pattern]
$request = ^INVITE
$registered = false
To = sip:(.+)@
$addr = <AVAYA-IP>
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@<RAULAND-IP>
$transport = UDP
Replace <AVAYA-IP> and <RAULAND-IP> with their actual IP addresses.