1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version: Server 2012 R2
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Your problem: I am trying to add a new source for SIP traffic. I have an instance of BSS which is working properly for traffic coming from my original sources, but when an INVITE comes from my new source, it seems to be ignored (No 100 Trying message is generated). I have a dial plan rule for the original setup as follows:
Matching Patterns:
$addr = ^xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx|^xxx.xxx.xxx.xxy
$request = ^INVITE
Deploy Patterns:
$continue = true
$auth = false
*The above rule works well for traffic coming from both $addr values listed*
I've tried adding my new SIP Invite source to the $addr string in the original dial plan rule, as well as creating a new rule with the new address which matches the original patterns. It seems no matter what I try, BSS does not process the INVITES coming from the new IP address. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Invites from Added Source Not Being Handled
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team