Secondary Brekeke forwarding REGISTER than processing
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Secondary Brekeke forwarding REGISTER than processing
1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
BSS v3.7.7.8
2. Java version: v7 update 80
3. OS type and the version: WinXP
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Our sip client software
5. Your problem:
I have two SBC's SRV records created in DNS server with two entries with different priorities.
1. SBC8 -> (High prio) BSS server with DNS name SBC8 (X.X.X.8 IP)
2. SBC3 -> (Low prio) BSS Server with SBC3 name (X.X.X.3 IP)
My sip client has capability to query DNS and based on the high priority entry name, it will send the REGISTER to that server.
If that server does not respond to the REGISTER, retransmits same and then on TimerA expiry it will shoot REGISTER to second entry server.
Request Line: REGISTER SIP/2.0
To test this scenario, First i registered my client with SBC8 and then disconnected the n/w cable, Now on keep alive REGISTER retransmissions failure, sip client is sending the REGISTER to SBC3.
But SBC3 BSS is shooting DNS query and on finding SBC8 and highest priority it is trying to forward the REGISTER to SBC8. And finally 408 timeout request is responded back.
Basically, SBC8 is disconnected, so i want client to get register with SBC3 which is not happening. If I connected SBC8 back in the n/w, able to see clearly that SBC3 i forwarding REGISTER to SBC8 and registration successfully at SBC8 with 2 bindings (one actual sip client, second SBC3, which i dont want)
How to disable the forwarding of REGISTER and enable the request processing to occurr at SBC3 itself.
Note : If i simply try to register using IP address of SBC3, registration is successful. But in case of configurating DNS name the forwarding behaviour is observed.
Both BSS's are NOT configured in redundancy mode. Dont want it.
Both BSS server's REGISTER authentication disabled.
Both BSS boxes are disabled with windows firwall.
Log snippet found in SBC3 as follows:
DnsResolverJNDI: OK: type=A addr=,
DnsResolverJNDI: OK: type=A addr=,
DnsResolverJNDI: OK: type=SRV addr=[SRV 12 11 5060] (, [SRV 10 11 5060] (200.1.4.,
register.4: target=local thru(200.1.4.
register.4: thru: send to server: to= at 12/13/17 16:23:02.859
Please help ASAP
BSS v3.7.7.8
2. Java version: v7 update 80
3. OS type and the version: WinXP
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Our sip client software
5. Your problem:
I have two SBC's SRV records created in DNS server with two entries with different priorities.
1. SBC8 -> (High prio) BSS server with DNS name SBC8 (X.X.X.8 IP)
2. SBC3 -> (Low prio) BSS Server with SBC3 name (X.X.X.3 IP)
My sip client has capability to query DNS and based on the high priority entry name, it will send the REGISTER to that server.
If that server does not respond to the REGISTER, retransmits same and then on TimerA expiry it will shoot REGISTER to second entry server.
Request Line: REGISTER SIP/2.0
To test this scenario, First i registered my client with SBC8 and then disconnected the n/w cable, Now on keep alive REGISTER retransmissions failure, sip client is sending the REGISTER to SBC3.
But SBC3 BSS is shooting DNS query and on finding SBC8 and highest priority it is trying to forward the REGISTER to SBC8. And finally 408 timeout request is responded back.
Basically, SBC8 is disconnected, so i want client to get register with SBC3 which is not happening. If I connected SBC8 back in the n/w, able to see clearly that SBC3 i forwarding REGISTER to SBC8 and registration successfully at SBC8 with 2 bindings (one actual sip client, second SBC3, which i dont want)
How to disable the forwarding of REGISTER and enable the request processing to occurr at SBC3 itself.
Note : If i simply try to register using IP address of SBC3, registration is successful. But in case of configurating DNS name the forwarding behaviour is observed.
Both BSS's are NOT configured in redundancy mode. Dont want it.
Both BSS server's REGISTER authentication disabled.
Both BSS boxes are disabled with windows firwall.
Log snippet found in SBC3 as follows:
DnsResolverJNDI: OK: type=A addr=,
DnsResolverJNDI: OK: type=A addr=,
DnsResolverJNDI: OK: type=SRV addr=[SRV 12 11 5060] (, [SRV 10 11 5060] (200.1.4.,
register.4: target=local thru(200.1.4.
register.4: thru: send to server: to= at 12/13/17 16:23:02.859
Please help ASAP
Yes, because the moment i bring up SBC8 back in the network, the REGISTER is being forwarded from SBC3 to SBC8. And there are 2 bindings being mentioned in the 200 OK response. One that of client ip and second is that of SBC3.
When i enabled it showed me 408 timeout this time, same in wireshark also.
I have reset the password to make sure no auth problem. Still the same.
When i enabled it showed me 408 timeout this time, same in wireshark also.
I have reset the password to make sure no auth problem. Still the same.