Get Sip Call ID From Leg-A and pass it on to Leg-B
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Get Sip Call ID From Leg-A and pass it on to Leg-B
1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Brekeke SIP Server
2. Java version:1.7
3. OS type and the version: 64-bit RHEL6.6
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Your problem: How to get call-id from leg-A and prefix it with "B" and send it to leg-B
If LegA Call id = abc12345def
I want to send leg-B call id as Babc12345def
This is what I tried:
Matching Patterns
Call-ID = (.+)
Deploy Pattern
Call-ID = B%1
Please help.
2. Java version:1.7
3. OS type and the version: 64-bit RHEL6.6
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Your problem: How to get call-id from leg-A and prefix it with "B" and send it to leg-B
If LegA Call id = abc12345def
I want to send leg-B call id as Babc12345def
This is what I tried:
Matching Patterns
Call-ID = (.+)
Deploy Pattern
Call-ID = B%1
Please help.
Last edited by skb007 on Wed Oct 18, 2017 10:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
Are you talking about Caller-ID or SIP's Call-ID header?
And also .. I recommend you read DialPaln tutorial. ... alplan.pdf
And also .. I recommend you read DialPaln tutorial. ... alplan.pdf
I am talking about SIP Call-ID. I have gone through the DialPlan tutorial but could not figure out.
Here is my existing dialPlan
[Matching Pattern]
$addr = 10\.1\.1\.1
From = sip:(.+)@
$request= sip:123(.+)@
Call-ID = (.+)
[Deploy Pattern]
From = sip:%1@
To = sip:%2@
$b2bua = true
$rtp = false
$session = sdp
& = ptime:20
& = silenceSupp:off - - - -
Call-ID = B%3
Here is my existing dialPlan
[Matching Pattern]
$addr = 10\.1\.1\.1
From = sip:(.+)@
$request= sip:123(.+)@
Call-ID = (.+)
[Deploy Pattern]
From = sip:%1@
To = sip:%2@
$b2bua = true
$rtp = false
$session = sdp
& = ptime:20
& = silenceSupp:off - - - -
Call-ID = B%3
Last edited by skb007 on Wed Oct 18, 2017 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Our application uses SIP Call-ID for CDR reconciliation purposes.
Here is what I want:
Lets say SIP Call-Id for leg-A =aaabbbccc
I want to send Call-ID for leg-B =Baaabbbccc
In other words, I want to save leg-A SIP Call-ID into a variable.
Prefix the variable with letter "B" and send it as SIP Call-ID of leg-B.
Here is what I want:
Lets say SIP Call-Id for leg-A =aaabbbccc
I want to send Call-ID for leg-B =Baaabbbccc
In other words, I want to save leg-A SIP Call-ID into a variable.
Prefix the variable with letter "B" and send it as SIP Call-ID of leg-B.
I completely understand that SIP Call-Id is a unique identifier and there is no other significance of it in the call setup. Following is the reason, we need to manipulate set the Call-ID as I have explained.
We know the SIP Call-ID of the call which our application sends to BSS but we don't know the SIP Call-ID of the call which BSS sends to our provider. Hence we can not reconcile the call details with our providers because call details reconciliation is based upon the SIP Call-ID.
I completely understand that there is no other product available which does not allow us to assign the Call-ID that is the reason we want to switch to BSS.
I have a basic dial Plan plugin working which can extract the call of the incoming call but I don't know how to set the call id on the outgoing call. Please help.
What is the use for :
We know the SIP Call-ID of the call which our application sends to BSS but we don't know the SIP Call-ID of the call which BSS sends to our provider. Hence we can not reconcile the call details with our providers because call details reconciliation is based upon the SIP Call-ID.
I completely understand that there is no other product available which does not allow us to assign the Call-ID that is the reason we want to switch to BSS.
I have a basic dial Plan plugin working which can extract the call of the incoming call but I don't know how to set the call id on the outgoing call. Please help.
Code: Select all
String sipcallid = sippacket.getValue("Call-ID");
I need to know something like below. (I know there is no setValue )
sippacket.setValue("Call-ID") = sipcallid;
What is the use for :
&net.sip.replace.callid = true :Replace Call-ID, From-Tag and To-Tag
&net.sip.replace.callid = false :Keep original Call-ID, From-Tag and To-Tag
Try the following at Deploy Pattern.
$b2bua = true
&net.sip.replace.callid = false
It keeps the original Call-ID even though B2B-UA is enabled.
If it doesn't meet the requirement, I recommend you to contact Brekeke's tech support.
&net.sip.replace.callid = false :Keep original Call-ID, From-Tag and To-Tag
Try the following at Deploy Pattern.
$b2bua = true
&net.sip.replace.callid = false
It keeps the original Call-ID even though B2B-UA is enabled.
If it doesn't meet the requirement, I recommend you to contact Brekeke's tech support.