1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:
2. Java version:1.7
3. OS type and the version:Centos 6.8
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: We use SIP client with Push Notification
5. Your problem: We use Push Notification in SIP client. When we login SIP client. It will run Push Notification. Every thing work well.
But We have one problem. We see too many rerord in Push Notification with same user name. We want to the record must be deleted when We logout SIP client on device android phone.
Please see this picture https://gyazo.com/6ee9a9071a6cb6d97c3dc95a95beeae4
Brekeke team can support me in this case. Which dial plan we need for Brekeke PBX.
Delete the record in Push Notification when USER logout
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