Brekeke not sending proper SRV records

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Brekeke not sending proper SRV records

Post by priyanko »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Brekeke SIP Server, Version .6.3.0

2. Java version: "1.7.0_95"

3. OS type and the version: CentOS 6.7 VM created in Microsoft Azure Environment

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: Microsoft Azure Environment
UA(s) used for SIP call: Polycom RPG 500, SIP client application

5. Your problem:
1. The brekeke server is not sending SRV records of the Brekeke SIP server, neither for TCP nor for UDP ( _sip._udp.<hostname> / _sip._tcp.<hostname>) on DNS query made by the SIP client. So, the client is always trying to setup UDP connection as default connection between him and Brekeke server before SIP call. Where as the connection between polycom and Brekeke the connection is TCP only.
a) If this the problem in Brekeke then how can we ensure that Brekeke SIP server sends proper SRV records to the SIP client?
b) If not then how can we ensure that connection between our SIP client and Brekeke SIP server always becomes TCP only?Any rule rquired in Brekeke?
FYI the SIP client is the caller and the Polycom device is the Callee and Brekeke SIP server acts as a Registrar and configured as a SIP proxy also.
Posts: 52
Joined: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:08 am

Post by llucy »

Brekeke SIP Server does not work as a DNS server itself. So if you need to reply to the DNS query, you need to setup another DNS server and return SRV records.

Posts: 245
Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:25 pm

Post by Laurie »

Since you host Brekeke SIP Server at Microsoft Azure, I suppose you assigned the domain name which publicly accessible.

How did you obtain the domain name??

From a domain registrar?
If so, ask the domain registrar whether they provide a DNS service.
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