What is the usage for net.sip.replacecallid, and how to use

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What is the usage for net.sip.replacecallid, and how to use

Post by skb007 »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Brekeke SIP Server

2. Java version:1.7

3. OS type and the version: 64-bit RHEL6.6

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:

5. Your problem:What is the usage for net.sip.replacecallid, and how to use it?

We have a business requirement where we have to set the call-id of outbound leg in relation to call-id of inbound call.
For example, if call-id of inbound leg is "this-is-a-call-id" then we have to set the call-id of outbound leg as "SOME-PREFIX-this-is-a-call-id"

I have tried the following but it does not work, it still assigned the random call-id

[Matching Patterns]
$addr = 10\.1\.1\.1
From = sip:(.+)@
$request = sip:123(.+)@
Call-ID) = (.+)

[Deploy Patterns]
From = sip:%1@
To = sip:%2@
$b2bua = true
$rtp = false
$session = sdp
net.sip.replacesdp.multipart = true
&sdp.audio.a.1 = ptime:20
&sdp.audio.a.2 = silenceSupp:off - - - -
$log = myDebug_BrekekeVar3:%3
Posts: 152
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:22 pm
Location: USA

Post by skb007 »

I also tried:

[Matching Patterns]
$addr = 10\.1\.1\.1
From = sip:(.+)@
$request = sip:123(.+)@
Call-ID) = (.+)

[Deploy Patterns]
From = sip:%1@
To = sip:%2@
$b2bua = true
$rtp = false
$session = sdp
net.sip.replacesdp.multipart = true
&sdp.audio.a.1 = ptime:20
&sdp.audio.a.2 = silenceSupp:off - - - -
$log = myDebug_BrekekeVar3:%3

But it did not make any difference, Brekeke is assigning the random call-id.
Posts: 215
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:20 pm

Post by ambrosio »

Which standard, SIP product or provider require such a Call-ID?
Call-ID is an identifier so it doesn't have any meanings it self.

Therefore DialPlan doesn't allow you to specify the value of Call-ID.
If you want to specify it, you need to create a plugin.
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