Setting up Brekeke SIP server

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Setting up Brekeke SIP server

Post by junelS »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Version (Evaluation Adv.)

2. Java version: Java SDK 8

3. OS type and the version: Win7 Pro

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:

5. Your problem: I'm totally new with SIP server. I tried to follow the quick guide in registering the credential using XLite but it wasn't able to register.

My concern is I really don't know what to enter in some other fields like on Dial Plans, Domains, Configurations and others.

Hopefully you can help me and run through with these. Our company is actually interested with the product.


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Post by janP »

> I tried to follow the quick guide in registering the credential using XLite but it wasn't able to register.

It seems you didn't create a user in [User Authentication] page, or the password doesn't match. Check the username and password you set in the X-Lite again.

If the issue happens even if you disable the Authentication, the SIP server's IP address you set in the X-Lite might be wrong.
Go to the SIP Server's [Status] page to check the [interface] filed. It is the IP address what the SIP Server is using.

> like on Dial Plans, Domains, Configurations and others.

You don't need DialPlan and Domains for using X-Lite.
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Post by KentC »


Based off the question of using a dial plan, you need to send an invite first to the Brekeke Sip Server.

Here is a basic Dial Plan I've made to for routing calls. You can try this, and use your local IP for the Domain.

Humble Suggestion: First just make sure you have your X-Lite Softphones actually register to Brekeke Sip Server on the "Registered Clients" option. Whatever extension you give them, like ext. 1000 & ext. 1001 should both show up under here. Then you should be able to just dial 1001 from X-Lite ext 1000 and it ring your other sip phone if both are on the same local machine. I would try that first before you try anything else to get the feel of Brekeke Sip Server.

Once you get a feel for that, then move to doing a Dial Plan, use something basis like so.. [This is all provided same LAN network and on the Windows 7 Local Machine]

Matching Patterns

Code: Select all

Deploy Patterns

Code: Select all

Use the Local Machine's IP for the Domain: e.g. 192.168.*.*

Regex helps tremendously when you are setting these servers up, try that and report back what happens.

Kent C.
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