Brekeke SIP Server , Version Advanced
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version:
Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae (Debian)
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Your problem:
I'm using The Brekeke proxy for through Registration. Asterisk registers to the Brekeke and I use the following rule to register to the ITSP (keyyo):
Matching Patterns
$request = ^REGISTER
To = sip:(33175XXXXXX)@
Deploy Patterns
To =
Then, I use this rule to route the incoming calls to another server in my LAN:
Matching Patterns
$request = ^INVITE
$addr =[1-4]..{1,3}
To = sip:(331.{8})@
Deploy Patterns
To = sip:%1@ivr1
$session = failover sip:%1@ivr2 sip:%1@ivr3
The problem is that when the ITSP sends a call to the registered number, if my IVR is the one that ends the call, they reject the BYE and send a "407 Proxy Authentication Required" request.
In the next BYE, I send it, but the username we send is empty, so it's rejected again:
Code: Select all
Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="",realm="",nonce="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",uri="sip:33177YYYYYYYY@ZZ.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ:5060",response="NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN",algorithm=MD5,cnonce="SSSSSSS",qop=auth,nc=00000001.