1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: SIP Server (
2. Java version: 1.7
3. OS type and the version: Linux
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
gateway hyperstone goip, asterisk
5. Your problem:
asterisk (nat) ====VPN==== BREKEKE SIP SERVER Publick IP 95.XX.XX.XX==== dynamic IP + NAt gateway hyperstone goip ==== dynamic IP + NAt gateway hyperstone goip (2,3,4 and more)
I need only BREKEKE SIP SERVER = like redirect server or sip proxy
What I mast to do in dial plan? (I dont want each gateway wright in dial plan, I need jast derirect calls) what I should to do? (I have mane gateway )
BREKEKE SIP SERVER = redirect server
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Try these two DialPlan rules. You need to replace <GOIP's IP Address> with the GOIP gateway's actual IP address.
Rule-1: From Asterisk
[Matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$addr =
To = sip:(.+)@
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@<GOIP's IP Address>
Rule-2: From GoIP GW
[Matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$addr = <GOIP's IP Address>
To = sip:(.+)@
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@
Rule-1: From Asterisk
[Matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$addr =
To = sip:(.+)@
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@<GOIP's IP Address>
Rule-2: From GoIP GW
[Matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$addr = <GOIP's IP Address>
To = sip:(.+)@
[Deploy Patterns]
To = sip:%1@