Webservice or websocket: how to modifield Sound files(IVR)

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Webservice or websocket: how to modifield Sound files(IVR)

Post by phamduoc »

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5. Your problem:

I'm using setUserProperties method (in webservice) or setExtensionProperties to modify the properties of IVR. I can modified the other fields but three fields of sound files (Greeting message: userprompt.exgreeting, Retry message: userprompt.exreentering, Music on hold: userprompt.hold. Is there any solution so that the third party modify these fields?

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Joined: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:08 am

Post by llucy »

I think you have to use IVR to record the voice and put it as a prompt.
There is currently no way to do with the API.

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