1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Standard
2. Java version: 7
3. OS type and the version: Windows Server 2008 R2
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: Cisco Unified Call Manager 9.X
5. Your problem: Dial Plan for 4 digit extension
I lost the configuration when the server database became corrupted. I have tried a few things and can't seem to get my wireless phones to ring from Rauland R5. These phones only have a 4 digit extension. I don't use the full 10 or 7 digits. Here is what I have as a dial plan:
Matching Pattern:
$request = ^INVITE
To = SIP:(.+)@
Deploying Pattern:
To = SIP:(.+)@ To = SIP:%1@
Yes Call Manager is using the address. I have never made calls to R5. We never use it that way. So no we can't, but we also don't want to.