1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: Version Standard
2. Java version: apache-tomcat-6.0.35
3. OS type and the version: RHEL 5.5
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Your problem:
I would like to make a dial plan for allowing VoIP but disallowing FoIP Invite. How can the dial plan be configured for replying error response to the UA for FoIP Invite? Thank you.
Dial Plan for disallow FoIP T38 in second Invite
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Hi Taitan,david.wan wrote:Hi taitan,taitan wrote:> Dial Plan for disallow FoIP T38 in second Invite
For checking non-initial INVITE, use Session Plugin API.
DialPlan doesn't check non-initial INVITE.
Thanks for the information. Where can I find the sample of Session Plugin API?
I can only download the Developer's Guides for Accounting Plug-in, Authentication Plug-in & Dial Plan Plug-in but not Session Plug-in.
Add procINVITE() method in a plugin to catch any INVITE including re-INVITE (second INIVTE) which defines T38.
it will be the following.
it will be the following.
Code: Select all
public void procINVITE( ClientStat cs, SIPpacket sippacket, boolean bRequest )
// INVITE has content body
if ( sippacket.content != null ) {
// content body indicates "t38"
if ( sippacket.content.toString().indexOf( "t38" ) > 0 ) {
// remove the content body
sippacket.content = null ;
super.procINVITE( cs, sippacket, bRequest ) ;