Problems with ARS to a specific carrier

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Problems with ARS to a specific carrier

Post by farndt »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: PBX
2. Java version:
Open JDk 7

3. OS type and the version:

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Cisco or Huawai SBC
5. Your problem:
the PBX sends all registers to itself if I use the uri: sip:username@carrier.sip

It ignores the hostfile.

is there a workaround so It doesn't try to register to itself when i use a internal domain instead of an IP-address
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Post by Mcgee »

Try Oracle JDK instead of OpenJDK.
Make sure you uninstall OpenJDK completely.
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Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:19 am

Post by farndt »

Sorry but I don't think that this is a openJDK Problem.
The logs show any java errors.

If this is carrier class software It should support the more stable version of java for linux systems. ;)

Sun Java makes always more problems than it solves.

Is there a possibility to give brekeke a host list?

Edit: the pbx seems to not resolve a dns name. I captured a lot of packets only if I wok with IP-Addresses the pbx starts sending packets via LAN port
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Post by hope »

can you ping to this internal domain name from command line?
what IP is shown from the above ping result?
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Post by Laurie »

Have you restarted the PBX after you edited the hosts file?

In my experience, combination of Ubuntu and OpenJDK bring some problems.
For example, OpenJDK/Ubuntu has the bug in TLS handling. ... bug/948875

Also, Brekeke recommends Oracle JDK. ... ew-install

If you want to provide a stabler service, stop using OpenJDK.
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Post by Laurie »


Have you defined the ARS like the following?
[Register URI] = sip:&v1@carrier.sip
[Proxy Address] = (let you put the actual IP address)
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Post by farndt »


It works with the IP-address after, the carrier changed the sbc configuration. I don't have problems with other providers.

If you use a linux operatingsystem you use openJDK, because oracle Java issn't in the packet repository.

I use Brekeke PBX and Sip-server with no visible problems with openJDK. I could recommend it. Woks stable till 15.000 active sessions.

Oracle java is a pain with debian, sorry.

Most company's didn`t support openJDK because the have to test twice and there are no windows binary. If you sell a server product so make a installer and bunde everything or make it work with both.

Sorry for the post, sip-server and pbx are great products but to only support oracle java isn't state of the art.
Posts: 246
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Post by Laurie »

Hi farndt, Thank you for the reply.
I will try OpenJDK for Brekeke!
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