1. Brekeke Product Name and Version: PBX
2. Java version:
Open JDk 7
3. OS type and the version:
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Cisco or Huawai SBC
5. Your problem:
the PBX sends all registers to itself if I use the uri: sip:username@carrier.sip
It ignores the hostfile.
is there a workaround so It doesn't try to register to itself when i use a internal domain instead of an IP-address
Problems with ARS to a specific carrier
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Sorry but I don't think that this is a openJDK Problem.
The logs show any java errors.
If this is carrier class software It should support the more stable version of java for linux systems.
Sun Java makes always more problems than it solves.
Is there a possibility to give brekeke a host list?
Edit: the pbx seems to not resolve a dns name. I captured a lot of packets only if I wok with IP-Addresses the pbx starts sending packets via LAN port
The logs show any java errors.
If this is carrier class software It should support the more stable version of java for linux systems.

Sun Java makes always more problems than it solves.
Is there a possibility to give brekeke a host list?
Edit: the pbx seems to not resolve a dns name. I captured a lot of packets only if I wok with IP-Addresses the pbx starts sending packets via LAN port
Have you restarted the PBX after you edited the hosts file?
In my experience, combination of Ubuntu and OpenJDK bring some problems.
For example, OpenJDK/Ubuntu has the bug in TLS handling.
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour ... bug/948875
Also, Brekeke recommends Oracle JDK.
http://wiki.brekeke.com/wiki/Brekeke-SI ... ew-install
If you want to provide a stabler service, stop using OpenJDK.
In my experience, combination of Ubuntu and OpenJDK bring some problems.
For example, OpenJDK/Ubuntu has the bug in TLS handling.
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour ... bug/948875
Also, Brekeke recommends Oracle JDK.
http://wiki.brekeke.com/wiki/Brekeke-SI ... ew-install
If you want to provide a stabler service, stop using OpenJDK.
It works with the IP-address after, the carrier changed the sbc configuration. I don't have problems with other providers.
If you use a linux operatingsystem you use openJDK, because oracle Java issn't in the packet repository.
I use Brekeke PBX and Sip-server with no visible problems with openJDK. I could recommend it. Woks stable till 15.000 active sessions.
Oracle java is a pain with debian, sorry.
Most company's didn`t support openJDK because the have to test twice and there are no windows binary. If you sell a server product so make a installer and bunde everything or make it work with both.
Sorry for the post, sip-server and pbx are great products but to only support oracle java isn't state of the art.

It works with the IP-address after, the carrier changed the sbc configuration. I don't have problems with other providers.
If you use a linux operatingsystem you use openJDK, because oracle Java issn't in the packet repository.
I use Brekeke PBX and Sip-server with no visible problems with openJDK. I could recommend it. Woks stable till 15.000 active sessions.
Oracle java is a pain with debian, sorry.
Most company's didn`t support openJDK because the have to test twice and there are no windows binary. If you sell a server product so make a installer and bunde everything or make it work with both.
Sorry for the post, sip-server and pbx are great products but to only support oracle java isn't state of the art.