User Authentication Enable / Disable Users Manually

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User Authentication Enable / Disable Users Manually

Post by Genom88 »

1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:

Brekeke SIP Server

2. Java version:
Java Standard Edition 6 Update 11 (build 1.6.0_11-b03)

3. OS type and the version:
Windows XP Prof.
Service Pack 3

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
X-Lite / Snom phones, Dialer (Server 2003), ...

5. Your problem:

Not really a Problem, more a needed Information:
We want to start Home Office in our Company, for this reason we need some kind of Turn Off/On possibilty.

The Firewall is correctly configured; we also tested the Calls via SLL VPN Connection. Everything works like it should.

So what I need now is to turn the users manually on or off which want to work on different Times - externally.

Workflow would be like that:

- An Home Office Interviewer Calls the division
- The division receives the information that he wants to start the Interviews
- The division switch on the Interviewer “XY” on the Brekeke SIP and he´s able to make the calls.

So I didn’t found anything in the Documents. That’s why im asking you here: Is there any solution for that? Like installing a Plug-in for the “User Authentication” to have a “Enable”/”Disable” opportunity? Or managing the User Authentication over a Thirdparty Database? - if yes give examples please.

Thanks for the Information in Advance!

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Post by Tata »

What your "on" "off" mean?
Do you want to enable/disable user authentication?

Any example??
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Post by Genom88 »

Sorry my bad, i ment enable/disable possibility! To be more exact: we should be able to manually enable/disable this users
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Post by Harold »

In Deploy Patterns, "$auth" definition can enable/disable the user authentication.

$auth = on: Enable the user authentication.
$auth = off: Disable the user authentication.

Is it what you wanted to know?
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:49 am
Location: Austria

Post by Genom88 »

Thanks solved :)
When life gives you lemons, take the seeds and plant trees in the streets.
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