1. Brekeke Product Name and Version:Brekeke SIP Server , Version Advanced
2. Java version:1.6.0_31
3. OS type and the version: Linux / Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 x64
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:AudioCodes Mediant 2000
5. Your problem:
Is there a way to stream the sv or session log data, i.e. sip/WEB-INF/work/sv/log/YYYY/MM/* via syslog? I see that log4j can be configured so that other bits of information are available.
sv logs via syslog
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
For session log, you can cook as you like with the plugin API.
http://www.brekeke.com/doc/sip/sip_acco ... plugin.txt
http://www.brekeke.com/doc/sip/sip_acco ... plugin.txt