1. Brekeke Product Name and version: Bundled Bpbx pro
2. Java version: 6
3. OS type and the version:Windows server 2008
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:RadiusCat Billing server.
5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html :
6. Your problem: The pbx does not return calls passed to the CallBack extension.I don't know if this issue is Dial plan related but also I'm not sure of my settings in the Pbx page and would be pleased if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong.I've tried two dial plans and both of these dialplans passed calls to the Callback extension,here are the dial plans:
Sip Server
Dial Plan 1
[Matching Patterns]
$$request = ^INVITE
$geturi(To) = sip:5347765098@
[Deploy Patterns]
$auth = false
$target =
$continue = false
Sip Server
Dial Plan 2
$$request = ^INVITE
$addr = ^77\.2\.765\.987$
To = sip:([0-9]{7,25})@
[Deploy Patterns]
$auth = false
$target =
$continue = false
Pbx ARS Rules:
[Patterns - IN]
[Matching patterns]
To sip:5347765098
[Deploy patterns]
To sip: 800800 (800800 is a pbx User)
[Patterns - OUT]
[Matching patterns]
To sip:([0-9]{7,25})@
[Deploy patterns]
To sip:$1@myITSP_IPaddress
And here's my settings in the Pbx Callback page:
[Extension] : 5347765098 (This is the DID number that is sending the call.)
[Callback Callee]: 84927788546 (This is a PSTN number that pbx shoud callback to).
I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong here but when I looked at the Sip server call log,I noticed that Callback callee number entry was only ten digits instead of eleven (84927788546).
I would appreciate any clue that could help me resolve this issue.
Pbx does not return calls to CallBack Extension
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
is it like caller make a call to number 5347765098 and then hangup
and pbx should send call to both caller and 84927788546?
Yes that's how it is but caller is actually 84927788546 calling from a cellphone (PSTN) via a DID access number:5347765098.
Here's the call flow sequence:
(A) 84927788546 a PSTN user calls
(B) 5347765098 a DID access number
(C) The DID gw sends the call to Brekeke callback extension
(D) Brekeke returns the call to 84927788546 via our ITSP through the pbx rules below:
[Matching patterns]
To sip:5347765098
[Deploy patterns]
To sip: 800800 (800800 is a pbx User)
[Patterns - OUT]
[Matching patterns]
To sip:([0-9]{7,25})@
[Deploy patterns]
To sip:$1@myITSP_IPaddress
84927788546 is set as the callback callee number in the pbx callback page.
is caller remote ip 77.2.765.987?
YES (our DID Termination provider ip)
what is caller sip ID?
Caller Sip ID is 5347765098
is caller registered at pbx?
The caller is registered under pbx user 800800. [Phones / inbound]
what is callback extension number and its setting?
Callback extension number is 5347765098 and here's my settings in the Pbx Callback page:
[Extension] : 5347765098 (This is the DID number that is sending the call.)
[Callback Callee]: 84927788546 (This is a PSTN number that pbx shoud callback to).
and pbx should send call to both caller and 84927788546?
Yes that's how it is but caller is actually 84927788546 calling from a cellphone (PSTN) via a DID access number:5347765098.
Here's the call flow sequence:
(A) 84927788546 a PSTN user calls
(B) 5347765098 a DID access number
(C) The DID gw sends the call to Brekeke callback extension
(D) Brekeke returns the call to 84927788546 via our ITSP through the pbx rules below:
[Matching patterns]
To sip:5347765098
[Deploy patterns]
To sip: 800800 (800800 is a pbx User)
[Patterns - OUT]
[Matching patterns]
To sip:([0-9]{7,25})@
[Deploy patterns]
To sip:$1@myITSP_IPaddress
84927788546 is set as the callback callee number in the pbx callback page.
is caller remote ip 77.2.765.987?
YES (our DID Termination provider ip)
what is caller sip ID?
Caller Sip ID is 5347765098
is caller registered at pbx?
The caller is registered under pbx user 800800. [Phones / inbound]
what is callback extension number and its setting?
Callback extension number is 5347765098 and here's my settings in the Pbx Callback page:
[Extension] : 5347765098 (This is the DID number that is sending the call.)
[Callback Callee]: 84927788546 (This is a PSTN number that pbx shoud callback to).
- disable dial plan rule 1 with $geturi(To) = sip:5347765098@
- change ARS pattern-IN
[Deploy patterns]
To: 5347765098 (this is callback extension number)
- remove ARS pattern-out "User" field setting
- change callback ext 5347765098
[Callback Callee]: 5347765098
caller 84927788546 dial 5347765098 and hang up when hear ring tone
pbx will call back caller and connect this call to the number set at callback ext [Callback Callee] field
- disable dial plan rule 1 with $geturi(To) = sip:5347765098@
- change ARS pattern-IN
[Deploy patterns]
To: 5347765098 (this is callback extension number)
- remove ARS pattern-out "User" field setting
- change callback ext 5347765098
[Callback Callee]: 5347765098
caller 84927788546 dial 5347765098 and hang up when hear ring tone
pbx will call back caller and connect this call to the number set at callback ext [Callback Callee] field