TLS Question
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
TLS Question
1. Brekeke Product Name and version:
Brekeke SIP Server , Version Evaluation
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version:
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Network pattern:
6. Your problem:
Hi! I'm trying to configure TLS handling on Brekeke's SIP Server with OpenSSL following this :
I've tried several keys and certificates I've generated with OpenSSL but I've never got "TLS" to be shown at the "Transport" field in the "Server Status"
Anybody succeeded ? What kind of certificate and key are needed : CA, server, user, self-signed ?
Brekeke SIP Server , Version Evaluation
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version:
Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Network pattern:
6. Your problem:
Hi! I'm trying to configure TLS handling on Brekeke's SIP Server with OpenSSL following this :
I've tried several keys and certificates I've generated with OpenSSL but I've never got "TLS" to be shown at the "Transport" field in the "Server Status"
Anybody succeeded ? What kind of certificate and key are needed : CA, server, user, self-signed ?
Well I'm actually using an evaluation version that, as you said, states that only advanced version handles TLS.
But as I was able to activate TLS, upload certificate /key... I guessed that it was allowed for evaluation :
But as I was able to activate TLS, upload certificate /key... I guessed that it was allowed for evaluation :
Did you follow the wiki?
Did you set the server's IP address as the CN (Common Name) when you made the server certificate?
Are you using any CA service?
Did you set the server's IP address as the CN (Common Name) when you made the server certificate?
Are you using any CA service?
It might help you.
1) Generate the key for the CA certificate
> openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048
- Enter an appropriate pass phrase.
2) Show the key
> openssl rsa -noout -text -in ca.key
3) Compose the CA certificate from the key
> openssl req -new -x509 -days 2555 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
- Enter a certification authority name in [Common Name] (CN) field.
For example: TEST-CA
4) Show the CA certificate
> openssl x509 -noout -text -in ca.crt
1) Generate the key for the server certificate
> openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
2) Show the key
> openssl rsa -noout -text -in server.key
3) Compose the server certificate from the key
> openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
- Enter a SIP server's IP address in [Common Name] (CN) field.
For example:
4) Sign the server certificate with the CA certificate
> openssl x509 -days 365 -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -req -CAcreateserial -CAserial -in server.csr -out server.crt
5) Show the server certificate
> openssl x509 -noout -text -in server.crt
6) Convert to DER file
> openssl x509 -in server.crt -out cert.der -outform der
> openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in server.key -out key.der -outform der
- cert.der: server's certificate in DER format
- server.der: server's key in DER format
Upload DER files "server.der" and "cert.der" in the [Configuration] -> [SIP] page -> [TLS].
Have you restart the server after you uploaded DER files?
I could use TLS at Evaluation of Advanced Edition.
If you configure TLS logs, are there any error messages?
I could use TLS at Evaluation of Advanced Edition.
If you configure TLS logs, are there any error messages?
Well, I had some tricky moves when I've uploaded several certs / keys before trying your solution. So I'm reinstalling the server to see what I can get from that.
Glad to know it works under evalution.
To be very clear, when you've uploaded key & cert and restarted your server, did TLS showed up in transport field ?
Glad to know it works under evalution.
To be very clear, when you've uploaded key & cert and restarted your server, did TLS showed up in transport field ?
There are two types of evaluation versions.
Evaluation and Advanced Edition's Evaluation.
It seems you are using an Evaluation and Harold is using Advanced Edition's Evaluation.
An Evaluation version doesn't have TLS handling function as hope said.
If you want to try Advanced Edition's Evaluation, fill the request form. ... ss-adv.php
Evaluation and Advanced Edition's Evaluation.
It seems you are using an Evaluation and Harold is using Advanced Edition's Evaluation.
An Evaluation version doesn't have TLS handling function as hope said.
If you want to try Advanced Edition's Evaluation, fill the request form. ... ss-adv.php