Brekeke Dial By Name Directory

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Brekeke Dial By Name Directory

Post by tranquilnet »

1. Brekeke Product Name and version:

Brekeke PBX, Version , Multi-Tenant

2. Java version:


3. OS type and the version:

Windows 2008 R2 Server

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:


5. Select your network pattern from ... terns.html :

Pattern 9

6. Your problem:

Thanks again for your ongoing support.

We would like to integrate/create a Dial By Name Directory into our Brekeke system. I have found the following document: ... ipt_en.pdf

It seems to discuss a potential solution using java scripting, however, I do have a few follow up questions:

1) Does Brekeke have a plan to integrate a Dial By Name Directory into their PBX in the future?

2) Do you have a working example of a complete Dial By Name Directory Script that I can use to reference?

3) Do you know of any 3rd party vendors who provide this service or software add on for Brekeke?

4) Are there any other options/solutions that we can research/use to integrate a Dial By Name Directory into our Brekeke PBX?


William Traenkle
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