Billing Issue.

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kennedy joseph
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Billing Issue.

Post by kennedy joseph »

1. Brekeke Product Name and version:2.3..7.7

2. Java version:5

3. OS type and the version:win 2003

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:RadiusCat,IvrCat.

5. Select your network pattern from ... terns.html :

6. Your problem: DID calls that are forwarded through the pbx are not billied.

I've installed the Radius Authentication plug in and followed all the listed instruction by Brekeke but still can't get calls that are forwarded to a PSTN number to bill.

I have no issue with Sip calls but just forwarded calls.

I'll appreciate if someone could clue me in.Here's the recommended instruction from Brekeke that I've applied:

1)Place the file radius-sip-auth.jar into the following directory

2)Set parameters in the property file
The file is in
Brekeke_install_dir\webapps\proxy (or pbx)\WEB-INF\work\sv\

Add the following lines.

radius.authport = 1812
radius.acctport = 1813
radius.radiushost = Put_radius_server_IP_address
radius.sharedsecret = Put_shared_secret
Posts: 862
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Post by hope »

did you use the radius for the call from dial plan?
Dial Plan
Add the following Dial Plan at the Admintool:
Matching Pattern:
$request = ^INVITE

Deploy Pattern:
$continue = true ... iuscat.php
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Post by taitan »

It seems you installed the Authentication plug-in instead of Billing (Accounting) plug-in..
is it OK??
kennedy joseph
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:38 pm

Post by kennedy joseph »

Hope thanks for your response.To answer your question,

Yes I used the radius for the call from dial plan?

I also added the following Dial Plan to the Admintool:
Matching Pattern:
$request = ^INVITE

Deploy Pattern:
$continue = true

I also tried the "CDRlog plug-in" below:

[matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$geturi( To ) = @host

[Deploy Patterns]
$session = com.user.CDRlog

Since my original dial plan is:
[matching Patterns]
$request = ^INVITE
$geturi( To ) = sip:My_DID_number@

[Deploy Patterns]
$session = com.user.CDRlog

But non of the above dial plans is able to bill the user account.

The problem is that RadiusCat seems not to understand what I want it to do which is to bill the sip/pbx user account.

As I don't understand the dial plan much,I wonder if there's a way to manipulate the "From" and "To" to accomplish this task? or is this beyond the scope of a dial plan?
kennedy joseph
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:38 pm

Post by kennedy joseph »

It seems you installed the Authentication plug-in instead of Billing (Accounting) plug-in..
is it OK??

No it's not Ok,it doesn't bill calls that are forwarded through the pbx.

I installed the Radius Accounting plug-in that contain the folder "Radius_sip_Auth1_1_2.

I think you're right but how do I get the Accounting plug-in?
kennedy joseph
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:38 pm

Post by kennedy joseph »

Hi Taitan,I just checked and I noticed that I actually installed both the account and Authentication plug-ins as recommended below:

Insert brekeke-sip-acct.jar file into the BSS_install_dir\pbx\webapps\pbx\WEB-INF\lib directory

Set the following parameters in properties (BSS_install_dir\pbx\webapps\pbx\WEB-INF\work\sv):
radius.authport = 1812
radius.acctport = 1813
radius.radiushost = Put_radius_server_IP_address
radius.sharedsecret = Put_shared_secret

Insert brekeke-sip-auth.jar file into the BSS_install_dir\pbx\webapps\pbx\WEB-INF\lib directory
Set the following parameters in properties (BSS_install_dir\pbx\webapps\pbx\WEB-INF\work\sv):
radius.authport = 1812
radius.acctport = 1813
radius.radiushost = Put_radius_server_IP_address
radius.sharedsecret = Put_shared_secret
net.usrdir.plugins = com.sample.radius.proxy.RadiusAuth
radius.addrealmtouser = false

Restart Brekeke SIP Server service.

The problem is just the forwarded pbx calls but it bills normal sip calls.

Any more ideas on why this issue exist?
Posts: 862
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Post by hope »

if set pbx user forwarding field to a pstn number, this pstn number will used for the call but not pbx user.
maybe you can pass the pbx user's number to radius
but not sure how to do it.
kennedy joseph
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:38 pm

Post by kennedy joseph »

I'll find a way to get around it.Thanks
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Post by Harold »

I recommend you contact SVK Software because they are RadiusCat's developer..
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