2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version: Red Hat 5.5
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html :
6. Your problem:
Hello All,
My setup is with BSS on the edge of the network. 2 NIC's on the Internet and 1 NIC on the inside. I would like to register phones from the internet thru to an Asterisk FreePBX server on the inside. All of this works fine. However, when I try to make a call from one of the externally connected phones the call is not originating from Asterisk. Instead it is hitting a matching pattern on BSS which will take it where it needs to go, but the Asterisk server is left out and I want all station calls coming from Asterisk for reporting.
How can I register a phone thru BSS so that all calls from that station will originate from Asterisk?
Here is my Matching Pattern on Registration:
Code: Select all
$request = ^REGISTER