1. Brekeke Product Name and version:
2. Java version:1.5.0_22
3. OS type and the version:Windows 2003 s-ver 5.2
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:TrixBox -->BSS -->Microsoft speech server
5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html :
6. Your problem: I have a dial plan working, but now I need to load balance the calls between 2 end points. My dialplan that is working is Matching Patterns:
Deploy Patterns:
I need to everyother call to goto this server, and one other server.
Any help is greatly appreiciated.
Load Balanced Dial Plan
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
there are some dial plans for load balancing at dial plan tutorial
http://www.brekeke-sip.com/download/bss ... lan_en.pdf
http://www.brekeke-sip.com/download/bss ... lan_en.pdf
Advanced Version worked for Load Balancing
Thanks for the info. I purchased the advanced version and it is working with Load Balancing. Now, I need to have failover if the destination is unreachable or if a 404 not found is returned. I tried the following Dial Plan and it does not work.
Matching Pattern: $request=^INVITE
Deploy Pattern: $transport=tcp
$target=sip:9722007710@, sip:9722007710@
Matching Pattern:$request=^INVITE
Deploy Pattern: $transport=tcp
$target=sip:9722007710@, sip:9722007710@
Is this possible? What have I done wrong.
Matching Pattern: $request=^INVITE
Deploy Pattern: $transport=tcp
$target=sip:9722007710@, sip:9722007710@
Matching Pattern:$request=^INVITE
Deploy Pattern: $transport=tcp
$target=sip:9722007710@, sip:9722007710@
Is this possible? What have I done wrong.
Is it possible to use To: in the same manor?
It does not work when I set $target =, only way I can make calls go through is to put To=sip:9722007710@ it accept a failover route? The Speech Server applications answer based on dialed number, so it has to get the 9722007710 in order for the correct application to answer. Thanks again for your assistance!
Could something like this work?
Deploy Pattern: