Guru needed - BSS does not register line1 on PAP2 device...

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Guru needed - BSS does not register line1 on PAP2 device...

Post by achooi »

1. Brekeke Product Name and version: Brekeke SIP Server , Version Standard

2. Java version: 1.5.0 (build 1.5.0_07-b03)

3. OS type and the version: Windows Server 2003 Ent. Edition. SP2

4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved: pap2

5. Select your network pattern from ... terns.html : Pattern 9

6. Your problem: Hello, I have an issue that seems quite random. At certain times, line1 on my pap2 at home will stop registering. But line two will be fine. In my pap2 configuration, my BSS address is used as an "Outbound Proxy" and my serproxy address as the Proxy. When I disable outbound proxy, line1 registers fine. I've tried changing the local port from 5060 to something else, and rebooted the pap2 many times. The only thing that worked is restarting the BSS through the web interface. My BSS is used to forward all media and signaling traffic to my serproxy & asterisk servers. My BSS is used solely as an Outbound Proxy. Any ideas on what is going on? I also have a thread about seeing many page faults, not sure if that is related. You can check that thread out also. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

I use several serproxy servers to load balance across several asterisk servers. So, in my dial plan, I've listed all my serproxy servers, here is an example of my dialplan & configuration:

Matching Patterns:

Deploy Patterns:

NAT traversal (Keep address/port mapping)=on
Add 'rport' parameter (Send)=on
Authentication (REGISTER)=on
Auth-user=user in "To:" (Register)=yes
Auth-user=user in "From:"=yes
Thru Registration=on
Posts: 501
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:56 pm

Post by james »

How often does the problem happen?
Do you have the same problem even if you use other SIP clients instead of pap2?
Are both Brekeke SIP Server and PAP2 in the same network?
Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:48 pm

Post by achooi »

>>>How often does the problem happen?
After I restart the BSS, it will happen again in day or two. I check on the pap2 I have in my lab periodically.

>>>Do you have the same problem even if you use other SIP clients instead of pap2? I have to confirm this next time it happens. I haven't tried another client yet. I will try with a PC2Phone or another ATA device.

>>>Are both Brekeke SIP Server and PAP2 in the same network?
No. Out BSS is in a colocation in USA. My users are all overseas. Mostly behind Linksys or Thomson ADSL routers.
Posts: 501
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:56 pm

Post by james »

Do you get the same problem even if you use pap2 in your lab environment?
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