1. Brekeke Product Name and version: i belive that its a MP-104 problem
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version: Windows
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
5. Select your network pattern from http://www.brekeke-sip.com/bbs/network/ ... terns.html :
6. Your problem:
when some one answers the call that i make it disconnects right away, i have disabled call answer detection , disconnect on busy tone and all other items that ask the device to make a dissconect. i went and made a telnet log and i see that the device picks up #0:LINE_DISCONNECT_DETECTED_EVNOTIC: . i am tring a way to disable this, i have spent four days and no success. please assist.
thank you
log is attached below, the disconnection starts at the 1529 mark in the log.
NOTIC:( sip_stack)(1508 ) UdpRtxMngr::Remove 200 Response 102 INVITENO
TIC:( lgr_flow)(1509 ) | |(SIPTU#0)ACK State:LocalAccepted(1dbb
673828df0a7b0a75d1b50e1abec2@ sip_stack)(1510 ) SI
PCall(#0) changes state from LocalAccepted to ConnectedNOTIC:( lgr_flow)(15
11 ) | | |
NOTIC:( lgr_psbrdex)(1528 ) recv <-- EV_ANALOG_IF_LINE_DISCONNECTED Ch:0
gr_flow)(1530 ) | #0:LINE_DISCONNECT_DETECTED_EVNOTIC:( lgr_psbrdi
f)(1531 ) #0:StopRTP_RTCP on channel 0NOTIC:( lgr_psbrdif)(1532 )
Turn ringer OFF for channel 0NOTIC:( lgr_flow)(1533 ) | #0:FXO
Release Line NOTIC:( lgr_psbrdif)(1534 ) #0:PSOSBoardInterface::StopPlay
Tone- CalledNOTIC:( lgr_flow)(1535 ) | #0:RELEASE (send) GWAPP_
NORMAL_CALL_CLEAR : (1dbb673828df0a7b0a75d1b50e1abec2@
lgr_flow)(1536 ) | | #0:RELEASE:(1dbb673828df0a7b0a75d1b50e1ab
ec2@|CALL_END |0 |0 |-1 |0 |0 |1
|FXO |IP | | |0 |0 |Unknown
|Unknown |0 |0 |411 |411
|5 |g711Ulaw64k |20 |
L_CALL_CLEAR |0 |240 |267 |0 |1dbb673828d
f0a7b0a75d1b50e1abec2@ | |
| |0
|0 |0 |0 | -001 |0 |0 |
NOTIC:( lgr_flow)(1538 ) | | #0:RELEASE_ACK:(1dbb673828df
0a7b0a75d1b50e1abec2@ lgr_flow)(1539 ) | |
| #0:RELEASE(1dbb673828df0a7b0a75d1b50e1abec2
lgr_flow)(1540 ) | |(SIPTU#0)DISCONNECT_REQ State:Connected(1dbb
673828df0a7b0a75d1b50e1abec2@ lgr_flow)(1541 ) --
-- Outgoing SIP Message to ----NOTIC:BYE sip:Unknown@192.168.0
.71 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKac549073602
Max-Forwards: 70
Audio Codes MP-104 Disconnect issue
Moderator: Brekeke Support Team
Did you follow the settings at
http://wiki.brekeke.com/wiki/Disconnect ... ee-answers
http://wiki.brekeke.com/wiki/Disconnect ... ee-answers