sip server
2. Java version:
3. OS type and the version:
windows server 2003
4. UA (phone), gateway or other hardware/software involved:
Eyeball softphone
5. Select your network pattern from ... terns.html :
6. Your problem:
I have made a program with Eyeball SDK that can make video calls, all works fine when the calls are made from locations not behind NAT. But when the person is calling behind NAT and the calls gets RTP relayed by Brekeke Sip Server i only get 3-4 packet/sec from video rtp which is terrible.I have tried x-lite and it works fine, i get about 30 packet/sec when BSS video rtp relay calls. I asked Eyeball techsupport want could be wrong and tehy tested BSS. I got the following answer:
There is more info in my previous topic "Problems with video calls"It seems like your server’s nattraversal feature is not working properly for the RTCP stream. We need RTCP packets for video quality adaptation process. If RTCP packets are not received then video frame rates will be low. Does Brekeke support RTCP relay?
Any help is appreciated.